AOW 2023 Programme

10 – 13 October 2023

CTICC 2, Cape Town, South Africa

Maximising Africa's Natural Resources

AOW is the premium and most established forum for stimulating deals and transaction in the African upstream. For 29 years, we’ve united serious decision-makers across the entire oil and gas value chain to facilitate new business and joint-venture opportunities.

Our active community of deal makers include, African governments, international and national oil companies, independents, C&G communities, service providers and investors, who depend on us to provide a collaborative stage to connect, share intelligence on enabling policy for capital and investment, licenses and bid rounds, to help move projects forward and inform their long-term business strategy in the African upstream. 

Our mission with this year’s programme is to advocate for Africa to develop its oil and gas sector with strong carbon management strategies that are sustainable and to facilitate equitable transactions that make positive global impact, and a legacy of socio-economic development across the African continent.

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Monday, October 9
16:00 - 19:00
V&A Waterfront

The Africa Oil Week welcome reception is an eagerly anticipated event that sets the stage for this premier industry gathering. It offers attendees a fantastic opportunity to mingle, connect, and foster valuable relationships in a relaxed atmosphere with stunning views of Cape Town. As delegates from around the world converge to share insights, innovations, and strategies, the welcome reception serves as the perfect icebreaker, enabling participants to meet new faces and reconnect with industry peers. 

Monday, October 9
19:00 - 22:00
By Invitation Only

Tuesday, October 10
09:00 - 09:10
Stage A

Enjoy this captivating dance performance by Danny Mzansi Blue and students from the local Wynberg High School as we pay tribute to the incredible journey that has brought us here after 29 years and renew our commitment to the continent with the unveiling of our brand transformation

Tuesday, October 10
09:10 - 09:15
Stage A

Tuesday, October 10
09:15 - 09:30
Stage A

A Sustainable Energy Landscape; it's Time for Africa

Tuesday, October 10
09:30 - 09:45
Stage A

Tuesday, October 10
09:45 - 10:00
Stage A

Tuesday, October 10
10:00 - 10:20
Stage A

The Honourable Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa, Paul Shipokosa Mashatile 

Tuesday, October 10
10:20 - 10:25
Stage A

Tuesday, October 10
10:25 - 10:45
Stage A

Join us in the Business Lounge for the launch of the Deloitte Africa Energy Outlook 2023 report. Make connections with the new Business Matchmaking™ platform – start making new contacts now by downloading the app and finding the ‘NETWORKING & BUSINESS MATCHMAKING’ item.

Tuesday, October 10
10:45 - 11:00
Stage A

Tuesday, October 10
11:00 - 11:30
Stage A

A Q&A with Africa’s thought leaders shaping the future of finance and energy.
Africa’s strategies to build a high-energy future are as diverse as the continent but all share one common challenge: access to capital. In today’s world, accessing cheap financing requires true ingenuity and competitiveness while balancing local priorities with global scrutiny. In this Q&A, we bring you the perspectives from Africa’s most influential thought leaders shaping the future of finance and energy.

Interviewer: David Parkinson, Vice President, Wood Mackenzie

Tuesday, October 10
11:30 - 12:15
Stage A

According to various industry estimations, oil will peak around 2040 – possibly reaching 114 million barrels per day – but the international community will continue to require hydrocarbons as we transition into year 2050. This being the case, how can African countries adapt to remain competitive and position their upstream markets as the supply base of choice?

  • What makes Africa a viable global energy supplier and how can it improve its global strategic positioning by 2050?
  • To what extent does the carbon profile of African markets weigh into investment decisions?
  • What is the future for frontier oil and gas markets given the global drive to low carbon futures?
  • How can non-producing nations attract investment into exploration?
  • Thinking beyond upstream – how cangovernments and E&P companies can support the delivery of integrated value chains from oil to refinery/petrochemicals and gas to power/industries?

Tuesday, October 10
12:15 - 13:00
Stage A

Since 2019, Total Energies’ discoveries in the Outeniqua Basin has positioned South Africa as a new exploration frontier and redrew the cards of the country’s energy security scenario. Newly found reserves can support decarbonization and industrialization at home, while encouraging additional exploration in frontier basins to the West (Orange Basin) and to the East (South Outeniqua). Meanwhile, onshore exploration and development is picking up: South Africa became an LNG producer in 2022 and is witnessing growing exploration for shallow conventional and coal-bed methane (CBM) gas.

  • What are the prospects for additional exploration in South Africa amidst growing ESG opposition and concerns?
  • How can policy address current bottlenecks and help unlock investments and value from the country’s oil & gas sector?
  • What is the future of gas within South Africa’s energy mix (industry, transport, power)?
  • What is South Africa’s main infrastructure requirements to successfully monetise domestic gas?
  • What is the role of South African agencies and national companies in supporting the country’soil & gas ambitions? 

Tuesday, October 10
13:00 - 14:00
Stage A

Tuesday, October 10
14:00 - 14:45
Stage A

In this session ANPG will present objectives for their public tender bidding of 12 onshore oil and gas concessions, which is part of their 2019-2025 General Strategy to Award Petroleum Concessions, that aims to help the country discover new resources to attract investment and drive innovation.   

Tuesday, October 10
14:00 - 14:30
National Showcase Stage (Level 1)
National Showcases

Led by: Ministry of Petroleum & Mineral Resources of the Federal Republic of Somalia

Tuesday, October 10
14:30 - 14:45
Stage A
National Showcases

Tuesday, October 10
14:45 - 15:15
Stage A

To be competitive in today’s energy world, E&P companies in Africa must embrace new business models and navigate complex regulatory, operational, and technical realities. As Africa’s upstream landscape evolves, we bring you two of the continent’s most active E&P players and two of sub-Saharan Africa's largest oil producing countries to talk about their approach to developing Africa’s natural resources.

Interviewer: Mansur Mohammed, Head of West Africa Upstream Content, Sub-Saharan Africa Oil Gas, Wood Mackenzie

Tuesday, October 10
14:45 - 15:15
National Showcase Stage (Level 1)
National Showcases

Tuesday, October 10
15:00 - 16:00
Bluebell, Level 3
By Invitation Only

How Africa’s oil and gas players can help to create an inclusive energy transition on the road to COP28

Tuesday, October 10
15:15 - 16:00
Stage A

The recent discovery of hydrocarbon prospects along Namibia’s offshore borders has brought exciting investment opportunities, which could lead to considerable oil revenue for this diverse, new energy hub. As E&P companies maintain their pursuit of the deep offshore Orange Basin, we invite stakeholders to share how we learn from the past to ensure that these new discoveries are equitable and provide social economic benefits to the region.  

  • Deep water exploration challenges and opportunities.
  • Cost effective solutions to low carbon emissions.
  • Enabling local access and participation to meet supply chain demands.
  • The next step for exploration success – Walvis Basin.
  • Balancing regional and export demands.

Tuesday, October 10
16:00 - 16:45
National Showcase Stage (Level 1)
National Showcases

Tuesday, October 10
16:15 - 17:00
Stage A

The MSGBC basin, encompassing the waters from Mauritania, Senegal, the Gambia, Guinea-Bissau and Guinea-Conakry, holds sizeable offshore oil and gas reserves. Known to offer a favourable investment climate, this region is positioned to be one of the most exciting areas for oil & gas activity this decade. In 2024, both the $4.8 billion Grand Tortue Ahmeyim (GTA) LNG project in Mauritania/Senegal and the Sangomar Offshore Oil Project in Senegal will be commissioned, while a wildcat well will be drilled offshore Guinea Bissau. In this session, Ministers and senior government from the MSGBC Basin gather to discuss how these mega projects will deliver sustainable economic transformation for the region.  

Tuesday, October 10
17:00 - 17:45
Stage A

Africa’s oil and gas can be a conduit for its development, if delivered on an equitable basis through a focus on local content and domestic value creation. Achieving stronger stakeholder collaboration between government and private sector is paramount to ensure oil and gas can deliver a legacy of prosperity and economic benefits to host countries.  

  • What does an equitable local content policy in oil and gas look like for Africa?
  • What can operators do to empower local economies and develop the domestic capacities required to support national development agendas?
  • How to ensure local markets, local people and local communities gain long term benefit from oil and gas investment?
  • How to empower SMEs and national technology and service providers to access oil and gas projects?
  • How can policy support local content to become a positive enabler for local businesses?

Tuesday, October 10
17:30 - 18:30

Tuesday, October 10
17:45 - 17:45
Stage A

Tuesday, October 10
19:00 - 11:00
V&A Waterfront

Open to all! Connect and engage with delegates at the evening networking reception hosted by AOW. 

Tuesday, October 10
19:00 - 22:00
By Invitation Only

Wednesday, October 11
08:55 - 09:00
Stage A
Gas Forum

Wednesday, October 11
09:00 - 09:15
Stage A
Gas Forum

Maximising Ghana's Natural Gas Resources in the Global Energy Transition

Wednesday, October 11
09:15 - 09:30
Stage A
Gas Forum

Speaker TBA

Wednesday, October 11
09:30 - 10:00
Stage A
Gas Forum

Africa’s biggest oil producer is in the middle of a complete overhaul of its energy sector following the adoption of the Petroleum Industry Act in 2021, the Electricity Act in 2023, and the recent removal of its multi-billion dollars gasoline subsidies. To grow output back to the 2 million barrels per day threshold and boost gas supply, Nigeria must now sanction long-delayed offshore projects while resolving its onshore security crisis.

  • How are the Petroleum Industry Act and Electricity Act creating new opportunities for investments across the value-chain?
  • Following a few encouraging discoveries by TotalEnergies and Seplat Energy since 2021, how can onshore and offshore exploration be further incentivized?
  • What are the commercial aspirations of Nigerian independents and how can they access capital to expand energy and gas infrastructure?
  • What decarbonisation and ESG strategies are required to make Nigeria’s oil & gas sector more attractive to global capital?

Wednesday, October 11
10:00 - 10:30
National Showcase Stage (Level 1)
National Showcases

Stakeholders from PETROSEN and TGS will showcase the exciting investment opportunities in Senegal through a series of presentations plus Q&A.

  • Country overview
  • Exploration History
  • Discoveries inventory 
  • Senegal Open blocks and Exploration Opportunities
  • Tax & Fiscal Terms
  • Why Invest in Senegal

Wednesday, October 11
10:15 - 10:45
Stage A
Gas Forum

African gas has become a much sought-after commodity given current geopolitical shocks and strong projected demand from global markets over the coming decades. But at the same time, investors must ensure that new gas projects also work for African local economies and value-creation. This Q&A unpacks the opportunities and challenges of building balanced and value accretive gas markets by giving stage to some of the industry’s most influential thought leaders.

Interviewer: Gavin Thompson, Vice chair EMEA, SVP Research, Wood Mackenzie

Wednesday, October 11
10:45 - 11:00
Stage A
Gas Forum

Wednesday, October 11
11:00 - 11:30
National Showcase Stage (Level 1)
National Showcases

Led by: Petroleum Commission of Gambia

Wednesday, October 11
11:15 - 12:00
Stage A
Gas Forum

As valuable as gas is for Africa, its potential as a transition fuel is yet to be truly actualised. According to the IEA, tapping into Africa’s undeveloped gas reserves could add an additional 90 bcm per year by 2030, around two-thirds for domestic needs, and the rest for export. Given that potential, how can African nations build roadmaps for domestic gas monetization whilst balancing export demands?

  • Domestic, regional, and international supply - which scenario is best for Africaand what is required to build roadmaps for a balanced gas monetisation strategy?
  • What are the challenges of developing gas-to-power and what is required to fast track it’s potential in the short to medium term?
  • How can Africa monetize its gas locally to eradicate energy poverty, industrialise, and advance towards middle income economies?
  • Balancing gas monetizing with LNG. What policy is required to make domestic monetization a reality?
  • How can Africa fast track investment into domestic and regional gas development to provide energy security across the continent?

Wednesday, October 11
11:30 - 12:30
National Showcase Stage (Level 1)
National Showcases

Led by: ANPG

Wednesday, October 11
12:00 - 12:30
Stage A
Gas Forum

This panel aims to discuss the pros and cons of both infrastructure-led ILX and Frontier Exploration strategies. Participants will discuss the geoscience and investment needs underpinning these two strategies, and the relative challenges in developing value in diverse markets where there are opportunities for both. How do the strategies of IOCs and NOCs compare, and how can data support effective decision making to reduce the risk of stranded assets and improve reserve positions in each context.

Wednesday, October 11
12:30 - 12:45
Stage A
Gas Forum

Wednesday, October 11
12:45 - 14:00
Stage A

Wednesday, October 11
14:00 - 16:45
National Showcase Stage (Level 1)
National Showcases

Led by: Namcor

Wednesday, October 11
14:00 - 14:30
Stage A
Gas Forum

Ghana’s petroleum industry has witnessed significant progress over the last decade, making it one of the most promising sectors in West Africa. Following its initial growth cycle that started with the commissioning of the Jubilee, TEN and SGN fields, Ghana is determined to take its industry to the next level by leveraging on the inland Voltaian Basin and other Ultra Deepwater projects. Exploration activities in ultra deepwater offshore Ghana together with work being done on the inland Voltaian basin are expected to result in discoveries to shore up the reserves of the country. Existing operators are also currently involved in significant brownfield expansions to mitigate production decline and monetise gas, thereby enhancing the sustainability of their assets while making more energy available for Ghana’s industries and households. But more is on the table as new offshore hubs progress towards FID and delayed exploration programmes are put back on the table.

In this session, we invite the government of Ghana and its operators to discuss the future drilling campaigns, plans to unlock Ghana’s local and regional gas potential, and the outlook for the country’s upstream sector

  • How is Ghana preparing to position itself as a key supplier of gas to regional and export markets?
  • What are the financial requirements for future exploration and development drilling campaigns?
  • What has been the success of Ghana’s local content policies thus far? What are the next steps to build capacity?
  • What projects are Ghana advancing to further expand its value-chain from upstream to downstream and make a better use of its natural resources?

Wednesday, October 11
14:00 - 14:05
Stage B
Prospects Forum

Senior representative, NVentures

Wednesday, October 11
14:05 - 14:20
Stage B
Prospects Forum

Wednesday, October 11
14:30 - 15:15
Stage A
Gas Forum

African gas reserves are becoming increasingly attractive in the wake of global geopolitical shocks, strong demand prospects, and the need to secure global supply. However, new create additional value for local economies. How can Africa balance lucrative export revenues with the development of its own domestic gas markets?

  • Roleof local, regional, and global off-takers
  • Opportunitiesand challenges of decarbonizing African gas assets
  • Therole of regionalization and trade in unlocking Africa’s gas value-chain potential
  • Financing requirements for LNG and gas infrastructure and available sources offunding

Wednesday, October 11
14:35 - 14:50
Stage B
Prospects Forum

Wednesday, October 11
14:45 - 15:30
National Showcase Stage (Level 1)
National Showcases

Cote d’Ivoire - Building on Exploration Success

Presentations by:

  • Bienvenu Esse, General Director of Hydrocarbons, DGH 
  • Fatoumata Sanogo, Managing Director, PETROCI Holding 
  • Kamel Kone, Deputy Managing Director of Hydrodrill
Panel Discussion and Q&A (30 mins)
Moderator: Rob Holdon, VP Sales AMME, PGS
  • Peter Macaulay, Managing Director, HARVEX 
  • Gabriel Gomez, Managing Director, Murphy Oil 
  • Amoi N'Gatia, Managing Director, Tullow Oil 
  • Nicola Mavila, Managing Director, Eni Côte d'Ivoire

Wednesday, October 11
14:50 - 15:05
Stage B
Prospects Forum

Wednesday, October 11
15:05 - 15:20
Stage B
Prospects Forum

Wednesday, October 11
15:15 - 15:45
Stage A

Wednesday, October 11
15:45 - 16:15
Stage A
Gas Forum

Cross border gas transmission pipelines provide a vital service in linking sources of supply and consumers both within Africa and from Africa to Europe. These pipelines provide opportunities for producers, increase security of supply for consumers, and offer investment opportunities for an investors seeking a particular asset class.

In this session we consider the experience of stakeholders in existing cross border gas pipelines, ROMPCO (Mozambique – South Africa) and GME (Morocco- Spain) and explore the potential for new international pipelines.

Wednesday, October 11
15:50 - 16:05
Stage B
Prospects Forum

Wednesday, October 11
16:05 - 16:20
Stage B
Prospects Forum

Wednesday, October 11
16:15 - 17:00
Stage A
Gas Forum

Oil and Gas companies are growing more concerned about diversity and inclusion and are refining business models to focus on value-driven initiatives as data indicates a fast declining, ageing workforce, widening skills gap and imbalances in gender parity. This panel will explore how companies are prioritising and aligning budgets to meet human capital requirements.

  • How can effective collaboration remove gender balances?
  • How are companies bridging the skills gap required to support the outlook for oil and gas?
  • Addressing board-level gender gaps
  • How will recruitment evolve to maintain a skilled, gender balanced and inclusive pipeline of talent?

Wednesday, October 11
16:20 - 16:35
Stage B
Prospects Forum

Wednesday, October 11
17:00 - 19:00
Bluebell, Level 3
By Invitation Only

Wednesday, October 11
17:30 - 17:30
Stage B
Prospects Forum

Wednesday, October 11
17:30 - 18:30

Wednesday, October 11
19:00 - 23:00
V&A Waterfront

Open to all! Connect and engage with delegates at the evening networking reception hosted by Azule Energy 

Wednesday, October 11
19:00 - 22:00
By Invitation Only

Thursday, October 12
09:00 - 09:10
Stage A
Africa Independents Forum

Thursday, October 12
09:00 - 09:15
Stage B
Finance and M&A Forum

Thursday, October 12
09:10 - 09:30
Stage A
Africa Independents Forum

The Africa Independents Forum provides a select number of independent, indigenous, and local African companies with assets across the continent to showcase exploration and development and gain enhanced exposure to the wider oil and gas industry, key financial markets, and investors

Thursday, October 12
09:15 - 10:00
Stage B
Finance and M&A Forum

For buyers wanting to invest in Africa, access to capital (both debt and equity) is proving more challenging whilst several of oil majors and national oil companies look to run disposal processes. As traditional commercial bank financiers continue to make global announcements about reducing their exposure to oil & gas globally, and given that most (if not all) acquisitions of big packages of African upstream assets will require debt across the line, is it available and where is it going to come from?

  • What are the key challenges to financing African E&P
  • What do financial institutions require to continue lending?
  • How can African companies better originate projects?
  • Will it continue to get harder to finance these deals?

Thursday, October 12
09:30 - 09:50
Stage A
Africa Independents Forum

Thursday, October 12
09:50 - 10:10
Stage A
Africa Independents Forum

The Africa Independents Forum provides a select number of independent, indigenous, and local African companies with assets across the continent to showcase exploration and development and gain enhanced exposure to the wider oil and gas industry, key financial markets, and investors

Thursday, October 12
10:00 - 10:45
Stage B
Finance and M&A Forum

In this session we invite CFOs and lenders to share their thoughts on raising debt in challenging jurisdictions – successes and lessons learnt.

  • Navigating local law and
  • What’s the general lender appetite in certain jurisdictions?
  • What role does government play in attracting investment in oil & gas?
  • The role of regional financial institutions in funding E&P transactions as traditional lenders dial
  • How to navigate political risk and concerns and what are the potential mitigants?
  • Who will fund these transactions?

Thursday, October 12
10:00 - 10:45
National Showcase Stage (Level 1)
National Showcases

Led by: NUPRC

Thursday, October 12
10:10 - 10:30
Stage A
Africa Independents Forum

The Africa Independents Forum provides a select number of independent, indigenous, and local African companies with assets across the continent to showcase exploration and development and gain enhanced exposure to the wider oil and gas industry, key financial markets, and investors

Thursday, October 12
10:30 - 10:50
Stage A
Africa Independents Forum

The Africa Independents Forum provides a select number of independent, indigenous, and local African companies with assets across the continent to showcase exploration and development and gain enhanced exposure to the wider oil and gas industry, key financial markets, and investors

Thursday, October 12
10:45 - 11:00
Stage B
Finance and M&A Forum

Thursday, October 12
10:50 - 11:10
Stage A
Africa Independents Forum

The Africa Independents Forum provides a select number of independent, indigenous, and local African companies with assets across the continent to showcase exploration and development and gain enhanced exposure to the wider oil and gas industry, key financial markets, and investors

Thursday, October 12
11:00 - 23:30
National Showcase Stage (Level 1)
National Showcases

Morocco’s Oil and Gas Exploration Potential and Opportunities

Thursday, October 12
11:00 - 11:15
Stage B
Finance and M&A Forum

Lessons from a Nigerian Indigenous Operator

Thursday, October 12
11:10 - 11:30
Stage A
Africa Independents Forum

Thursday, October 12
11:10 - 12:00
Stage A
Africa Independents Forum

The Africa Independents Forum provides a select number of independent, indigenous, and local African companies with assets across the continent to showcase exploration and development and gain enhanced exposure to the wider oil and gas industry, key financial markets, and investors

Thursday, October 12
11:15 - 12:00
Stage B
Finance and M&A Forum

As African operators and asset owners seek to raise billions to grow oil & gas production and expand energy infrastructure, global competition to access capital is intensifying. For most investors and financiers, projects must demonstrate their compliance with global ESG standards and alignment with a lower carbon future to be attractive. What does that mean for African oil & gas projects?


  • What are the key requirements any African project must consider to be bankable and attractive in the current market environment?  
  • How can lenders to African deals support and ensure their borrowers look to reduce carbon emissions and play their part in the energy transition?  
  • What alternative funding models can be considered to attract investment?
  • The requirement for a “lenders’ environmental adviser”: how important is this for lenders?  
  • When will an Environmental and Social Action Plan be required and how important is that document to a successful financing?

Thursday, October 12
11:30 - 11:50
Stage A
Prospects Forum

The Africa Independents Forum provides a select number of independent, indigenous, and local African companies with assets across the continent to showcase exploration and development and gain enhanced exposure to the wider oil and gas industry, key financial markets, and investors

Thursday, October 12
12:00 - 12:30
National Showcase Stage (Level 1)
National Showcases

Led by: SNPC Congo

Thursday, October 12
12:00 - 13:00
Stage B
Finance and M&A Forum

African M&A has continued to be active and has drawn in new market entrants. However, there have also been challenges with deals taking greatly extended periods to close.

  • Opportunities - What’s driving the new entrants into the market (both pull factors attracting investment and push factors from other mature regions)?
  • Challenges - What are the challenges facing deals and why are they taking so long to close? How can this process best be managed?
  • Funding - With turbulent stock markets and transition pressure on investment in the hydrocarbon sector, how are deals being funded?

Thursday, October 12
13:00 - 14:00
Stage B
Finance and M&A Forum

Thursday, October 12
14:00 - 14:30
National Showcase Stage (Level 1)
National Showcases

Ongoing Activities in the Tanzanian Oil and Gas Sector and 2024 Licensing Round A joint presentation between TPDC (NOC) and PURA (Upstream Regulator). TPDC will provide an overview of the ongoing activities in the oil and gas sector in Tanzania to give some context of market development and priority areas for the market and existing investment opportunities. PURA will share information on the upcoming licensing round expected in 2024 and opportunities for interested companies to that process both in terms of potential multi-client service providers and prospective investors

Thursday, October 12
15:00 - 15:45
National Showcase Stage (Level 1)
National Showcases

Uganda: An Established Petroleum Province in the East African Region

Uganda’s oil and gas sector has transitioned from the exploration and appraisal phase to the development phase in preparation for sustainable production of the petroleum resources that have been discovered in the country. Uganda’s confirmed petroleum resource base is currently estimated at 6.5 billion barrels of Stock Tank Oil-Initially-In-Place (STOIIP), of which 1.4 billion barrels are estimated to be recoverable. In addition, gas resources are currently estimated at 600 Billion standard cubic feet (BCF). This volume of crude is planned to be commercialized using a 60,000 Barrels of Oil per Day (BOPD) refinery and a 190,000BOPD crude export pipeline.

To achieve a sustainable reserves replacement for the country, the government continues to evaluate the petroleum potential of the unlicenced acreages with the aim of issuing new exploration licences. During this country showcase the Ugandan delegation will discuss the following topics:

  • Plans by the Government of Uganda for opening up new exploration acreages.
  • Institutional framework governing the oil and gas sector in the country and the key projects.
  • The country’s preparedness for first oil.
  • Steps being taken by the government to manage high expectations from the oil and gas sector, navigate the risks and prepare to take advantage of opportunities presented by the energy transition.
  • The country’s policy, legal and regulatory framework for the sector.
  • The Uganda National Oil Company Limited capacity to undertake petroleum exploration activities in the recently granted exploration block

Thursday, October 12
15:30 - 16:30
Stage A
Africa Independents Forum

Thursday, October 12
16:00 - 16:45
Stage A
Technology Forum

How can technology drive down cost, increase efficiency and ensure that Africa’s oil and gas sector develops strong carbon management strategies that attracts international capital. This panel brings together government, oil field service companies and EPCs to outline how innovation and technology can improve margins and decarbonize exploration and production.

  • How can Africa maximise its resources in a carbon friendly way – The African Narrative
  • How can African E&P progress leave an environmentally friendly footprint that contributes to the transition and allows for more funding to flow?
  • How can Africa create carbon management policies that incentivizes the growth of carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS)?
  • What solutions should Africa explore to reduce the carbon intensity of oil and gas products?

Thursday, October 12
16:45 - 17:00
Stage A
Technology Forum

FPSO Agogo - Leading the Way Towards Lower Emissions

Thursday, October 12
17:00 - 17:15
Stage A
Technology Forum

Unearth Africa's Subsurface with CGG’s Cutting-edge Seismic Imaging Technologies to Optimise the Value of Data Extraction and Mitigate Exploration Risk

Thursday, October 12
17:30 - 17:30
Stage A
Technology Forum

Thursday, October 12
17:30 - 18:30

Thursday, October 12
19:00 - 23:00
V&A Waterfront

Open to all! Connect and engage with delegates at the evening networking reception hosted by AOW

Friday, October 13
12:30 - 16:00
V&A Waterfront

The Africa Oil Week Farewell Beach Braai is the perfect closing note to this dynamic and informative conference. With the week's worth of discussions, presentations, and networking behind us, this beachside barbecue offers attendees a last chance to network but also unwind, reflect, and say their goodbyes in a relaxed and picturesque setting.