National Showcase: Algeria

As Africa’s biggest gas producing & consuming market and the continents third largest oil producer, Algeria has truly succeeded in monetising its natural resources, with strong commercial ties that continue to renew and expand its energy cooperation with investors.

State-utility SONELGAZ is also actively engaged in the expansion of energy infrastructure, Issuing a large 2 GW solar tender in 2023.

Key Project Focus:
- Skikda Refinary Expansion
- Hassi Messaoud New Refinery
- Tiaret New Refinery
- Arzew Petrochemicals Complex
- Skikda Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB) plant

Thursday 10 October 09:30 - 10:30 Government Stage

National Showcases

Add to calendar 10/10/2024 09:30 10/10/2024 10:30 National Showcase: Algeria

As Africa’s biggest gas producing & consuming market and the continents third largest oil producer, Algeria has truly succeeded in monetising its natural resources, with strong commercial ties that continue to renew and expand its energy cooperation with investors.

State-utility SONELGAZ is also actively engaged in the expansion of energy infrastructure, Issuing a large 2 GW solar tender in 2023.

Key Project Focus:
- Skikda Refinary Expansion
- Hassi Messaoud New Refinery
- Tiaret New Refinery
- Arzew Petrochemicals Complex
- Skikda Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB) plant

Government Stage Africa/Johannesburg