AOW 2023’s Technology Forum to focus on innovation and resources’ competitiveness

04 Sep 2023 | Event News | Market News

The forum is sponsored by global energy technology company Baker Hughes and will welcome the participation from several private and institutional stakeholders

Amidst calls to build a more competitive and attractive African Upstream, AOW 2023 is organizing a Technology Forum centered around lowering the carbon profile from African projects. The forum is sponsored by global energy technology company Baker Hughes and will welcome the participation from several private and institutional stakeholders. 

To drive operational costs down, increase efficiency and implement strong carbon management strategies, African operators must deploy best-in-class technologies that will make their projects more sustainable and bankable. The Technology Forum seeks to outline how innovative and technology can improve margins and decarbonize the African Upstream, while supporting technology transfer and operational efficiencies. 

It takes place as most African regulators are implementing more stringent regulations around flaring and methane emissions in a bid to cut emissions. Such strategies have not only become necessary from an environmental perspective but are also required for any project seeking to be competitive towards global capital providers. 

The Technology Forum will be joined by Zaher Ibrahim, Vice President EMA at Baker Hughes, along with senior leaders from NOV, Equinor, Halliburton, and SLB. Senior representatives from the World Bank’s Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFRP) will also share the latest data and insights on flaring reduction initiatives in Africa and globally. 

The forum will also feature a presentation on the future FPSO Agogo in Angola on Azule Energy’s Block 15/06. The project was approved in 2023 and represent one of the largest to be sanctioned this year, globally. Its FPSO will be provided by Yinson. 

AOW 2023 is committed towards the showcasing of solutions that will help Africa be the destination of choice for global energy capital. Given the high flaring intensity levels of several African markets, and the growing need to expand gas value-chains sustainably, the Technology Forum will bring much needed attention to some of the industry’s most critical issues of the moment. 
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