Major oil discoveries at Hibiscus field set to boost Gabon’s reserves

03 Jun 2024 |

The DHBSM-2P and DHIBM-7P pilot wells are poised to substantially increase the region’s oil reserves and production capabilities.

Over the course of two weeks, BW Energy has announced new oil discoveries at its producing Hibiscus field offshore Gabon. The DHBSM-2P and DHIBM-7P pilot wells are poised to substantially increase the region’s oil reserves and production capabilities.

BW Energy successfully drilled the DHIBM-7P pilot well to a depth of 3,941 meters using the Borr Norve jack-up rig. The well’s evaluation revealed a promising 24 meters of net oil pay within the Gamba and Dentale formations, known for their hydrocarbon richness. BW Energy plans to capitalize on this discovery by converting the well into a production well later this year, optimizing the use of existing infrastructure for cost-effective development.

“This is yet another confirmation of the significant potential of the Dussafu licence, which BW Energy is rapidly unlocking through low-cost and low-risk development activity,” CEO of BW Energy, Carl K. Arnet, said.

At the start of May, BW Energy had also revealed the successful drilling of the Hibiscus South pilot well DHBSM-2P, which confirmed the extension of the Hibiscus South deposit into the northern part of the field.

The partners on the license, including Panoro Energy and state-owned Gabon Oil Co., are now gearing up for the next phase of development, which includes drilling production wells in the Hibiscus South field’s northern flank.

BW Energy has outlined an ambitious plan for a series of eight new production wells across the Hibiscus, Hibiscus South, and Ruche fields. The comprehensive drilling campaign is expected to culminate with the Bourdon prospect test well (DBM-1), assuming the activities remain on schedule.

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