AOW commends Minister Ekperikpe Ekpo on heading Nigeria's Gas Ministry.

17 Aug 2023 | Event News | Market News

Minister Ekperikpe Ekpo has been appointed to lead Nigeria’s new Gas Ministry

AOW expresses its congratulations to H.E. Ekperikpe Ekpo on his appointment as Nigeria’s State Minister for Gas Resources under the administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. 

The creation of a ministerial portfolio dedicated to natural gas is a clear indication that President Tinubu is listening to the industry and is fully dedicated to the development of a gas-based economy that develops the true potential of Nigeria’s natural resources for the benefit of its people. 

H.E. Ekperikpe Ekpo comes from Akwa Ibom, a gas-rich state, and understands the benefits of gas investments to boost industrialization, increase energy supply, and create jobs. His wide experience across Nigeria’s political scene will be critical to ensure he brings a wide range of stakeholders together around the realization of Nigeria’s ‘Decade of Gas’.  

With over 200 Tcf of proven gas reserves, Nigeria is Africa’s biggest gas market and is implementing several initiatives to boost gas production and consumption. In doing so, the country wants to offer cheaper, more reliable, and cleaner power to industries and households, and rely on a truly domestic resource to support its development.  

The country has embarked on several landmark domestic and gas export projects, including the expansion of the Nigeria LNG terminal and new transnational gas pipelines to send gas across West Africa and to Europe. Domestically, several projects are in the making to increase gas availability for power and industries. 

The recent signing of the Electricity Act 2023 and the removal of gasoline subsidies are both expecting to increase demand for gas in Nigeria as decentralized power ventures need feedstock and consumers turn to cheaper energy like compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG) and piped natural gas (PNG). 

The expansion of Nigeria’s gas value-chain will require significant investments and stakeholders’ engagement. As a well-versed politician, H.E. Ekperikpe Ekpo is well-placed to bring about that change and lead the sector through its much-needed transformations. 

At AOW, gas has become an integral part of our agenda and objectives. An entire day is now dedicated to gas investments, providing a stage for Nigerian stakeholders and companies to showcase the best of what the country has to offer in terms of partnerships, deals, and opportunities. We truly look forward to supporting H.E. Ekperikpe Ekpo and his team in realizing President Tinubu’s vision and unlocking the true potential of Nigeria’s gas sector.  
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